Sunday, May 01, 2011

Entry: The Truth About Lies

I've learned two important lessons this year regarding people who lie. I'm not talking about people who tell huge whopping lies, either. I'm talking about the ones who tell fibs when they really don't need to.

Lesson #1:
Beware those people who lie too easily. People who can look you in the eye and spin a yarn without thinking twice (even to the detriment of their own dignity) are to be either watched or avoided. They didn't get to that point without having some serious practice. And remember that, no matter who they are, if they're willing to lie for you, then they're probably willing to lie to you and not even regret it. Heaven help you when they decide to turn that gun from the world to you.

Lesson #2:
It sucks to be the person who tries to take the high moral ground. Don't get me wrong...I'm as guilty as the next in telling my little white lies here and there while I'll also say that I don't make a habit of it. I don't think there's a person on the planet who doesn't do it every once in a while. But overall, I try to do the "right" thing (whatever that means anymore) and take responsibility for my actions. Although I plan on continuing to do so, here is what I have learned. The folks who tell the little lies to get themselves out of huge situations tend to end up on better ground than the ones who just come out and fess up. Have you ever done that? Ever told yourself that if you just come clean then all will be well because that is the way it's supposed to work? rarely does. Often, it only serves to inform the other party(s) that you're willing to fess up to the failures of your human condition when other won't and weakness like that is often met with negative returns. But...all it takes is one little lie. Spin the truth just enough and you can explain everything while avoiding responsibility for the things you've done wrong. Why the people in the second group are usually the ones to come out on top is beyond me.

Carl Sagan: 1
Theologians: 0

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