Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Entry: What does this mean?

So...the question of the day is this......what does the above picture mean?

Go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavement, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free

I was having a discussion with my symbiote today and it turns out that we had completely different interpretations. In fact, we came up with three total. Now, my question to you is what you think it means. Please chime in!


Jason C. Miller said...

My interpretation of it was this:

You do everything that you do to live "normally" meanwhile having no idea just how trapped you are in a meaningless rut that will do absolutely nothing to give definition to your life.

Jerri said...

Since we're sharing; I didn't like it. I interpreted it as:

"Do these things. You are free as long as you behave as expected." F*ck those people.

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote this is a pessimist. I interpret it as someone who doesn't like the status quo. This person believes that by stating the obvious, that they can win back a little of their "freedom".

I have my own personal belief that no one is ever free. It's not nearly as down as this person's statement though.

I believe that there is nothing in this world that belongs to itself and is free. Everything has ties or bonds to something else. That's part of what makes this world enjoyable... or painful.

Perhaps this doesn't apply to the saying but I felt it still needs to be said.