Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Basic words of wisdom

So, there's an old adage that I've been using a lot lately. The source of this tidbit of wisdom may not be very conventional, but I do have to give credit to the Klingons for coming up with it. :) (And yes....I *am* a nerd)

"Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory. Ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat."

Makes sense to me. How about you?

I find it interesting that a purely fictional race could really live by something so profound. They recognize that any victory (or perceived victory) really isn't a victory at all if it ends up destroying the invaders. What good is pushing a campaign towards an unforeseeable end when the good of the homeland is in serious jeopardy because of it (regardless of the motives)? That is, of course, a purely rhetorical question.

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