Friday, November 16, 2007

Entry: It's OUR turn


"Because we're grown-ups now. And it's our turn to decide what that means."

To me, that is an exceptionally profound statement. I've noticed that the author of the xkcd webcomic has an unbelievable knack for plucking those odd strings in my head that seem to serve no other purpose than to make me want to climb tall buildings and, in my loudest voice, ask the world what is wrong with it.

There's an old saying...."Without string, there is chaos". I've heard several different interpretations of that adage and also several different theories regarding the source. Here's what it means to me...

String represents the simple, unambiguous, and selfless joys that are brought to us as children. Many an adult would just as soon step on a butterfly than to take the time to crouch down and spend the requisite thirty minutes required to stare at the creature in utter curiosity and amazement. It seems like age brings with it the indefatigable erosion of that little piece of us that only needs the slightest catalyst to launch a full-scale assault of the human imagination. The chaos I speak of are the multitudes of people out there who simply aren't "interested" unless life is brought to them in digital, high-def, 128-bit, 3-D, Dolby surround sound. To those people, I can only say this: go look up at the clear night sky sometime.

I had more to say on this topic but I can't remember what it was. :)


Jerri said...

Yours is the interpretation that matters.


Jason C. Miller said...

Yeah. Too bad the rest of the world doesn't agree. ;)

Jerri said...

Of course they agree.

To EACH person it is his/her interpretation that matters.

Jerri said...

Should I tell you about general relativity, nonlinear science or gravity?

Or just say:

Without something to tie you to me, I hold no distinct form for you.