Monday, June 26, 2006

Entry: Yo

Hello my minions. How is everybody doing today? It's been about a week since my last post and I figured I'd throw a little something on here to say 'hi' to ya'll.

I am 2 hours into watching 'The Thin Red Line' and needed a break. Only one more hour to go. None of my computer stuff is working here at home so I am mindlessly droning on my keyboard.

I have found a house and have put a contract down on it. Word of wisdom to everyone out there.....KEEP ALL OF YOUR FINANCIAL PAPERWORK!!! YOU WILL NEED IT WHEN YOU APPLY FOR A HOME LOAN!!! It's funny how we live in a world where you can have as many assets as you can stand, but it doesn't mean squat if you can't show it on paper. Bah! I hate money.

The weekend was good. Can't complain. Went to a going-away party for a friend of mine on Friday. There was a bunch of Navy nuke-school geeks there so I really didn't feel like I could contribute much to the conversation (unless, of course, their printer wasn't working and they needed someone to fix it for them).
Saturday was good. Did some packing. Hung out at a friend's house that evening and read a book while she studied. More packing on Sunday and lots of time re-loading software on my laptop. My rendezvous for the evening was a no-show (actually, more of a no-call-back) and so I chowed down on Tollhouse pie in the good company of my study buddy. It was a good weekend. I really am a lucky person. I wish that less people would take their fortunes for granted the way that they do.

I was fortunate to be able to attend a celebration of the Summer Solstice last Thursday and bear witness to some of the interesting pagan rituals that go on. I kept my distance and my participation to a minimal, but it was fun nonetheless. It was very cool....everything from the dancing circle (which, apparently, is a requirement that can be satisfied with a conga line) to the drinking of the sacred lemonade. Oh....I WAS fortunate enough to have a smoke bath. That part I actually did. life doesn't seem altered in any significant way since then. Who'd have thunk it. :) One piece of pagan trivia (that I'm sure will come up on the next Jeopardy episode) is that, apparently, the Summer Solstice is when the Oak King finally succumbs in battle to the Holly King (who presides during the seasons of harvest and rest). Of course, two of the members of the group had to do a re-inactment as part of the ceremony. It looked more like a fight between Neo and Agent Smith than it did between two ancient kings. Anyway....the Jedi lost. And yes...I said "Jedi". Don't ask. It's funny yet awesome. :)

I'm on my third week at my new job and haven't been fired yet. Yay! Looks like I might just make it to month #2 at this rate!

By the way...if Mrs. Right is waiting for an invitation, she can feel free to step in the room at any time and introduce herself. ;)

Speaking of packing...god help anyone who has to see my place the way it is right now. It is a total STY! Boxes everywhere!


Anonymous said...

Why can the trees just get along? They don't need to be hating on each other.

So where did you find a house at? Am I still going to have drive 45 minutes out of my to hang out and watch bad horror flicks with you?

Jason C. Miller said...

Nope. You'll probably only have to drive half of that to hang out and watch bad horror flicks with me. :)

Jason C. Miller said...

Now that I think about it, there's only been one horror flick that you've complained about. Talk about exageration!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I guess that's true. You just keep letting me borrow really bad ones. I can't believe you talked me into borrowing Doom... I think my eyes looked like Sam Neil's from the Event Horizon after watching that drek.

Jason C. Miller said...

What sort of hogwash is this?! You were the one who picked Doom out of the lineup, holmes. Being forced to gauge your eyes out is a result of your own actions. I had nothing to do with it. :)

Anonymous said...

You said it was good... I can't believe I trusted a friend over my own instincts... sigh.

Jason C. Miller said...

I believe the words I used were..."'s pretty decent". I don't think the world "good" ever escaped my lips. :)