Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Entry: My 4th of July

My fourth wasn't too terribly eventful. Went to Clay and Nan's, ate some burgers and dogs, played some board games, and watched a movie.

If you've ever been to Earthfare and wanted to buy one of their pre-made burgers with the cheese actually kneeded into the patty, don't. I couldn't taste or see any difference between one of them and a regular burger.

Also, if you've never played the Mad Magazine board game, you're missing out. I grew up on that game. Then again, good luck finding it in stores anymore. It probably hasn't actually been manufactured in the last 20 years. Clay just happened to have one (much to my delight).

Again, I was happy to miss the whole fireworks thing. I'm really not into fireworks. It's not that I'm a killjoy or anything, but once you've seen them a few times, you've seen them enough to last you a lifetime. Plus, after the fireworks display last year at the opening of the new Cooper River bridge, I think that everything else afterward would be somewhat anti-climactic.

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