Thursday, January 12, 2006

Artile: Waking up is like being drunk

Here is an article over on CNN that talks about the a person's state right after they wake up and say that the affects are similar (if not worse) than simply being drunk.

Personally, I think that that short period between slumber of lucidity is a very "interesting" time.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I can agree to that. If I get up too fast in the morning (rushing to get to work), I have been known to fall over on occasion and feel a bit wobbly. I can't legitimately say that it's the same as being drunk (I've never drank, ever) but I surmise from the actions of friends that it's probably pretty similar. It usually takes me a good 2-3 minutes to actually walk in a straight line.

Anonymous said...

Not to be rude, but I'm having a hard parsing your query. You see, that extra 'n' in don is totally throwing me off. Of course, if you meant to say "don", then I apoligize and am now even more perplexed. For my sake, can you please rephrase your question? Thank you.

Jason C. Miller said...

Fight! Fight! Fight!! Woohooooo!!!! >:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that clarifies everything -funnybunny-. Jason, if you insist on acting like an elementary school child, you should be punished like one. Go to the chalk board and write, "I will not try to instigate fights on my blog" 100 times.

Jason C. Miller said...

okey dokey.

int main()
while(loop=0; loop<100; loop++)
printf("I will not try to instigate fights on my blog");

Anonymous said...


unless you're somehow going to get the piece of chalk to run that program it looks like you still have 99 to go...
