Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Article: Should pharmacists have the right to choose?

I try to refrain from putting stuff on here that's too politically or religiously charged. I want all people to enjoy reading my stuff without having to choose a side. I find this particular issue interesting, however.

By now, I'm sure that everyone has heard about pharmacists who are refusing to fill "certain prescriptions" because they find it morally objectionable.

A story can be found here.

Imagine the following...
1. The gas station attendent who refuses to allow you gas because it supports questionable oil companies
2. The sales clerk who refuses to allow people to buy their cigarettes because it's "unhealthy"
3. A sales clerk who refuses to sell a pregnant woman Ibuprofen because they feel it's bad for the baby

I'm wondering where that list would end if we had such a precident.

An interesting quote from the story....

"The Walgreen policy, according to a spokesperson, is that pharmacists can refuse to prescribe agents that violate their moral beliefs, except where state law prohibits, provided that they take steps to have the prescription filled elsewhere."

Interesting. I would hardly agree with that policy, but interesting nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that WalGreen would actually have a policy like that. But I guess that as long as they help you get it filled elsewhere that is fine.

However, if they object to it, then why would they help you?

Jason C. Miller said...

Well...I'll answer that question with some other questions...

1) Why should a mechanic fix your car?
2) Why should box office sell you a ticket to see a movie?
3) Why should a garbage man pick up your garbage for you?

My answer? Because it's the profession (or just a simple job) that they chose for themselves. Personally, if they feel that dispensing legal medication to people who have ever right to have it is unethical, then I don't see how they can think that they're job is ethical at all.

My humbled opinion? They should choose another line of work instead of taking one that has complete social support and legitimacy and bending it to suit their own personal covenants.

That's just me though. ;)