Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Entry: Happy Winter Solstice

Happy winter solstice everybody! What is the winter solstice you ask?'s the day of the year with the least amount of daylight. Why is this such a special day in my book? Well, mainly because it acts as a point of inflection for the length of each day. After today, the days are going to start getting longer again. Sweet!! This whole 'winter blues' thing is a real bummer every year.

On another note, I woke up this morning two hours ahead of my alarm clock and couldn't go back to sleep regardless of how hard I tried. Blah. My mobile phone alarm ended up going off this morning while I was driving up to the gate at work. Go figure. I'm going to be the walking dead today.

On another note, I dropped Rex (my fish) off at my mother's yesterday. She's going to be taking care of him for me while I'm in Tampa. It's interesting that he is such a tiny little thing and yet my apartment feels emptier without him there. I guess I'm getting used to this whole pet thing. :)

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